Monday, January 9, 2012

Why do we care?

It occured to me, that ever since David Hyde Pierce came out as gay, the whole dam world has turned upside down. I think that the world should just leave famous peoples private lives alone. I mean honestly, can anyone say that they don't like David Hyde Pierce anymore or wouldn't go see one of his plays or musicals or not a buy a product he endorces just because he is gay? Does a celeberitys uality straight or gay really matter to the public, I mean does it really matter if a performer is married or gay or bi? Please explain why we are such a shallow nation that we have to worry about a persons ual orentation. I for one feel that it does not influence me about a person once I find out there uality, I like or dislike a person based on who they are professionally and it does not matter in anyway what there orientation is. I mean take for example the fact that I do not watch movies or tv shows with Kelsey Grammer. It has nothing to with the fact that he is a julliard swan.

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