Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Efficency/money saving tips?

OK i rent in a duplex with forced air heating, and no A/C. Our windowsare very drafty and like an idiot i didnt put up any plastic on the windows. I have been doing things like wearing layers, and using blankets while watching tv, yet i am still cold somtimes. My question is this....... i know that energy light bulbs are more effiencent then regular bulbs. But in a case of new technoligy, would turning down the heat, and using an electric space heater, or electric blanket actually be more effiecent then having the heat turned up a few degrees? Because its heating a smaller area? I am also gonna try to dry my work clothes by hanging and not drying. Just wondering your views, and to see are there any other suggestions? basically my goal is to save 20 per month on all gas/electric/water bills, to hopefull put towards interest rate bills, saving me lots of money in the long run what do u think? Also if say a light or phone charger is plugged in but not used does it use power?

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