Monday, January 2, 2012

Has anyone ever noticed?

In life... you think, you breathe, you eat... but when you get into more detail, people either go down two paths.. they either learn when they are young or they completely throw their chance at a good life by not caring about school.. when your older the person who learned goes to college and the person who got a social life and not focused on school goes to a job which pays minimum wage(most of the time). Then when that person who went to college gets out of college usually they get a great job and a good family and a great house. the person who didnt lives in an apartment or house but not a good one or maybe an average house. The fact is what is the point usually we go no where. one person is happy and one worked while the other is stressed and unhappy. but we all die and once you think about it. what did that one person work for? was it all for nothing? or was it happiness? what was the point of that work if they had the same fate as the other person who didnt go to college and had a bad job and house? if you can answer that i will be satisfied with my life and work hard to prosper so thank you for answering.

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