Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm a spanish teacher and my student is having trouble! what should I do?

I have a young girl in high school who has been having difficulty paying attention and with spelling! she makes pretty good grades, a's b's and the occasional c! She showed me one of her projects and there was many mistakes with spelling and she erased many times and tried to rewrite things, also on her daily warm-ups there were a lot of mistakes and cross outs too! I notice her talking a lot with her peers and she dazes off whenever taking tests or quizzes, or even during the lesson! she takes extra long on tests and quizzes and she doesn't finish until the last minute. I see her playing around with her eraser, hair, or jewelry! I don't know what I should do? I put her in front of the clroom right in front of my desk and I always make sure she has enough time on her test without making it seem unfair! I think she has ADD but I'm not sure how to ask her either. Could she possibly have dyslexia? She works slow, misspells, and has trouble paying attention, and I also noticed she has difficulty writing what she is thinking, especially in another language. How should I go about this?

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