Friday, January 6, 2012

The solution for peace on earth has been around for thousands of years: Ganja. What do you say?

Its the truth, for millions of year before the humans even existed, Marijuana has been around. Our ancestors have tasted, seen, smelled, and felt the magic of the wonderful plant without worry. Without panic, without fear. Its been ped down our generations for thousands of years, each one of us effected by the minds of our ancestors high. Our body's crave it, our body's want it, our body's need it. Its a simple plant, a plant that it caused by nature itself, and yet here we are in this time, fighting whether or not nature is a crime. Our bibles rewritten, father's stories retold, the media telling lies, people raving attacks on nature. Let me tell you something, Nature gave us life my friend, it gave us hope, fear, happiness, it gave us the chance to live, to smell, to taste, to hear, to see, and most of all to feel. The sad part is that we repaid nature with death, we gave it no chance to live. Cutting down trees, building Cooperations, tearing down the simple gift we have been give. Now we're going to sit and watch our world die from our mistakes, you wonder why Greater Power has not shown Their face to us, their ashamed of the outcome. He made to protect the Earth, not harm it. And Yet we sit around and let Governments destroy everything we've been given, tell us what we can't and can do. We face our greatest fear and yet we turn around and walk away like cowards. The government has made nature a crime, and for the Ganja plant to be illegal, you might as well just make all fruits and vegetables, water, rocks and anything else illegal too. For one thing to be outcast, it all should be. The plant has never done any harm to us, but bring us a peace of mind. Give us comfort we never felt before. This plant, this miracle that nature has given us is far less harmful than anything out there. Love for example can be more a unpredictable, harmful substance than marijuana. It causes us to go beyond our normal routine, and inflict consequences we've never dealt with before. Though love is always a great thing to feel, I encourage it strongly. Marijuana on the other hand is nothing but a good time. A time to wonder, a time to go on a adventure, a time to feel, like love, more than life. It gave us nothing but happiness, no sorrow, no fear, no nothing. The only reason that we feel paranoid or fear when we're high is because of we're afraid of the cops, or parents or anything else to put us in jail for a simply enjoying the fruits of life. So I encourage everyone to put down the alcohol, the drink made by men to feel good, that only inflicts violence and suicide, and pick up a joint and remember who you are. Peace will only come when our generation decides to remember who we are. Humans, we are animals, simple but complex animals, that should rethink the way we live, our society is run, and the way we view nature. We cannot continue to cut trees, and make the forest bleed anymore. We have to start respecting our planet, and respecting the simple things in life that come free. All the emotions, all the memories. We shouldn't live our life worrying about our future, we should just enjoy our present. Schools should stop teaching lies, and The governments should just present itself as its true title: The destroyers. If I had one wish, just one wish, its for the entire world to just forget everything, all the violence, all sadness, all the worries about what country is more armed and more deadly, and just relax and get together and have a great time. Their should be no more leaders, no more power. Power has created evil, and evil has shown the the darker side to nature. Our world is sick, and we need to give it its medication. No more hate, no more sorrow. For one day, just look at the person you always wanted to kill, and say to yourself, I'm over it, why should I feel so much hate, when I can just simply forget all that you've done to me, and move on with my life, have a few laughs with some friends. If you start feeling hate, just simply love more instead. Guns and Greater weapons should be banned, not plants, and nature. Those believing that marijuana is a gateway to more stuff, I ask you this, why? Marijuana, as always and will always be nature, the more drugs are man made. For one day, look at yourself in the mirror and remember who you are. Stop making those drugs, stop putting it out in our society, it does us a lot of harm, put down the crack pipe, and pick up the joint. Its only believed to be a gateway drug because some evil spilled out. Someone wanted to experience getting higher, but they never came to their senses to believe and if its not natural, then not experiment with it. I ask you to forgive yourself, and let go. Believe in nature, and it will believe in you. Be strong, be whole, be yourself. If rebellious is in your blood, then if you follow the course of nature, if everyone did, then rebellious wouldn't be a problem. Face your inner demon, and don't let it have control. Free your

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